[Panel-devel] getThemePath broken in SK

Matt matt-lists at comnet.net.nz
Sun Jun 5 21:35:48 CEST 2005

On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 06:10, Petri Damsten wrote:
> On Sunday 05 June 2005 19:08, Ryan Nickell wrote:
> > What I propose is a new function similar to readThemeFile that
> > is exposed to python land, or just remove it.
> There is now readThemeFile in python api.
> Petri

I think that the  issue may be a bit more fundamental.  I also use the 
following code:

    path = karamba.getThemePath(widget) + '/'

I have now put this up front to try and get around the open(file) issue - ie 
change into a new theme 'root' directory, so that all file paths are relative 
from that new 'root' directory.  However, again it fails thusly:

Call to initWidget failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/matt/karamba/liquid_weather_plus/liquid_weather.py", line 2463, 
in initWidget
OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/home/matt/karamba/lwp-test.skz/'

Could you also explain the new readThemeFile function, so I can understand if 
it will help me.



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