[Owncloud] group association

Pierre Malard plm at teledetection.fr
Fri Oct 18 08:45:48 UTC 2013


If I understand your interrogation, you're using an LDAP authentication.

We had the same question. If I understand well, the LDAP's group association is not the Unix one. So, you can't use directly the Unix GID as is. 

Our LDAP DB was only used to authenticate mails users, so everyone was associate with an only Unix group and user (the pseudo mail user one). We had a group notion but it was not LDAP Posix one. The only way was to create an LDAP group from our mail association. Sorry!

An example if you have a Posix OpenLDAP DB:
Our Group LDAP table ---------------------------------------
dn: ou=Group, dc=<LDAP Domain>
ou: Group
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit

dn: cn=GROUP_1, ou=Group, dc=auth,dc=teledetection,dc=fr
gidNumber: 1000
memberUid: uid_poeple1
memberUid: uid_poeple2

dn: cn= GROUP_2, ou=Group, dc=auth,dc=teledetection,dc=fr
gidNumber: 3000
memberUid: uid_poeple3
memberUid: uid_poeple4

As is, you can declare theses group on OC as this:
Group Filter: objectClass=posixGroup
Group Display Name Feild: cn
Base Group Tree: ou=Group,dc=<LDAP Domain>
Group-Member association: memberUid

This work fine :-)

Le 15 oct. 2013 à 15:07, Bert Van de Poel <bert at bhack.net> a écrit :

> Dear owncloud mailing list,
> As I've been unable to get any help from the IRC channel I'm giving this a try.
> We do group association based on gidNumber in the posixAccount, which corresponds to a posixGroup. However the only options I see in the interface to do association are uniqueMember, memberUid and Active Directory. Is association based on gid then not possible? (it works fine for us as for pam and file management on our shell-servers).
> I hope you can help me.
> Kind regaders,
> Bert Van de Poel

Pierre Malard
    « La vérité ne triomphe jamais, mais ses ennemis finissent
    toujours par mourir... »
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