[Owncloud] LDAP users and LDAP-authenticated SMB storage

Vieri rentorbuy at yahoo.com
Mon May 27 06:38:01 UTC 2013

--- On Fri, 5/24/13, Arthur Schiwon <blizzz at owncloud.com> wrote:

> > If you want a specific Home Directory Name, go
> to "LDAP
> > configuration / Advanced tab / Special Attributes /
> User Home Folder Naming
> > Rule".

Can I set an SMB/CIFS path in "User Home Folder Naming Rule" that requires AD user authentication? For example, as owncloud admin user, I'd like to set "User Home Folder Naming Rule" to something like smb//server/share/remotedir (for all LDAP/AD users I have SMB shares such as //myserver/usershare/username). So, whenever an AD user logs in, owncloud will mount the remote SMB resource as the user's home dir. Since the remote resource requires authentication, owncloud should authenticate using the same credentials that were entered when the user logged into owncloud.

Is this possible?
If so, how?
I know I can mount an SMB filesystem at OS level and set that path in "User Home Folder Naming Rule". However, can I use placeholders such as %uid in this field? Also, how can I make sure owncloud will use the user's credentials to access this "user home folder"? Are there placeholders for username and password given at owncloud login page?



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