[Owncloud] admin page takes too long to load

Andre van Eyssen andre at purplecow.org
Sun May 26 14:44:50 UTC 2013

On Sun, 26 May 2013, w_user wrote:

> Also, I'm running it on a VERY moderate hardware but as mentioned, all the
> rest is by far 'faster'.

Different pages have differing amounts of code to be interpreted.

OC is a big pile of PHP code which is never particularly pleasant on "very 
moderate hardware". Make sure you're using the right compile settings on 
your binaries - levels of optimization made about 30% different on SPARC 
T2. 64bit binaries on SPARC ran substantially slower than 32bit. If you 
can afford the memory use, enable apc.

Andre van Eyssen.
mail: andre at purplecow.org          jabber: andre at interact.purplecow.org
purplecow.org: UNIX for the masses http://www2.purplecow.org
purplecow.org: PCOWpix             http://pix.purplecow.org

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