[Owncloud] Stop posting "+1" to the issue tracker

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Thu Mar 21 20:22:44 UTC 2013

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 09:05:42PM +0100, Lukas Reschke wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just as a remark since there are a lot of "+1" posts on the issue
> tracker: DON'T DO THIS. Every time you do this subscribed developers
> get a notification - it's just an absolute waste of time.
Yet another downside of using github to handle messaging, you have to
add this mechanism to notify people of messages there and it causes the
above problem.

If there was an E-Mail list (or newsgroup) there wouldn't be a need to
notify like this, the message *itself* would have been received with no
need to visit the web page - all done in one easy action!  :-)

Chris Green

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