[Owncloud] Question about LDAP Group members

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at owncloud.com
Wed Mar 20 10:45:08 UTC 2013

On 03/20/2013 10:31 AM, Pierre Malard wrote:
> Le 18 mars 2013 à 12:22, Arthur Schiwon <blizzz at owncloud.com> a écrit :
>> On 03/15/2013 06:36 PM, Pierre Malard wrote:
>>> We have an operational OC 4.5.7 on Debian which work relatively fine. We
>>> have a LDAP athentification based on email address.
>>> I have configured OC to search the LDAP login on "mail" LDAP field and
>>> the LDAP group on "inetOrgPerson" class and "departmentNumber" field on
>>> advanced tab.
>>> Everything seem to work normaly: our users can log, I can see all LDAP
>>> groups. My onliest problem is to attach a user to a LDAP group.
>> This can be done solely via LDAP. ownCloud does not write to LDAP.
>>> Initialy, I have thaught the relation LDAP user <-> LDAP group will be
>>> automatic. It's not the case. Their is no "LDAP user" in the
>>> "ldap_group_members" MySQL table. If I try to force, nothing.
>> I.e. for no user the LDAP groups were fetched?
>> Is the "Group-Member association" attribute configured correctly? http://doc.owncloud.org/server/4.5/admin_manual/auth_ldap.html#advanced-settings
> Ok, I make a mistake and our LDAP db can't, as this, be used by owncloud to use "departmentNumber" field as "group" association because "departmentNumber" is neither "uniqueMember", "memberUid" or "member" LDAP field's type.

Which LDAP server are you using?
The attribute to select here is how group memberships are indicated in LDAP.

Example of a group:
# Coyotes, groups, mydomain.com
dn: cn=Coyotes,cn=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=com
uniqueMember: uid=alice,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com
uniqueMember: uid=007,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com
uniqueMember: uid=jane,cn=Agents,dc=mydomain,dc=com

> As I understand your answer, our only way is to modify our LDAP db with a real group/user association within the LDAP meaning of the term. I thought we could "deduce" this association inside OwnCloud since "departmentNumber" LDAP field is, in fact, such an association in LDAP.

If you only want to give access to users with a certain attribute, 
modify login as user list filter, e.g.
Login filter: (&(uid=%uid)(departmentNumber=123456))
List filter: departmentNumber=123456


>>> The only way I have find is to add a LDAP user to the local group "admin".
>>> By the way, I have an other question: what is the differents between
>>> "Group" colon and "Group Admin" one? What does it meen exactly?
>> You can define users to be admin for the users within the specfified groups.
> Ok
> Cheers
> ----
> Pierre Malard
>    «On ne peut pas pousser à fond l'éducation politique et l'éducation
>      tout court de masses sans l'accompagner d'un développement
>      économique, culturel et social parallèle.»
>                      Romain Gary - "Les racines du ciel"
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