[Owncloud] Question about LDAP Group members

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at owncloud.com
Mon Mar 18 11:22:19 UTC 2013

On 03/15/2013 06:36 PM, Pierre Malard wrote:
> Hi,
> We have an operational OC 4.5.7 on Debian which work relatively fine. We
> have a LDAP athentification based on email address.
> I have configured OC to search the LDAP login on "mail" LDAP field and
> the LDAP group on "inetOrgPerson" class and "departmentNumber" field on
> advanced tab.
> Everything seem to work normaly: our users can log, I can see all LDAP
> groups. My onliest problem is to attach a user to a LDAP group.

This can be done solely via LDAP. ownCloud does not write to LDAP.

> Initialy, I have thaught the relation LDAP user <-> LDAP group will be
> automatic. It's not the case. Their is no "LDAP user" in the
> "ldap_group_members" MySQL table. If I try to force, nothing.

I.e. for no user the LDAP groups were fetched?
Is the "Group-Member association" attribute configured correctly? 

> The only way I have find is to add a LDAP user to the local group "admin".
> By the way, I have an other question: what is the differents between
> "Group" colon and "Group Admin" one? What does it meen exactly?

You can define users to be admin for the users within the specfified 


> best regards.
> ----
> Pierre Malard
>     «/C'est bien plus beau lorsque c'est inutile/»
>                  Edmon Rostand - "Cyrano de Bergerac"
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