[Owncloud] excluding folder to sync to client.

Robert Sander r.sander at heinlein-support.de
Thu Mar 14 08:03:19 UTC 2013

On 14.03.2013 08:41, Rickard Welin wrote:

> I was wondering if there is a way to exclude a folder from being downloaded to my Mac due to limited local disk space.

This is something that needs to be addressed with high priority.

When we have ownCloud serving content for hundreds of users and they
share directories to each other one user may be able to access 100s of
GB of ownCloud files.

The sync client will happily download them all to the user's local disk
and then?

The sync client needs a kind of hierarchical storage management, where
files that are accessed less frequently are not stored on the local disk.

A first start would be to be able to exclude directories from syncing,
but that may not fit all use cases.

Robert Sander
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