[Owncloud] new contributor page and blog planet

Frank Karlitschek frank at owncloud.org
Mon Jul 29 21:57:10 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

we now have a new contributor page http://owncloud.org/about/contact/ with way more information about everyone who helps to push ownCloud forward. The blog planet page is also finally fixed. http://owncloud.org/news/

If you contribute to ownCloud and want to be listed on the contributor page or you want to have your blog aggregated please send me an email. Or if you are already listed but some information is outdated or you want to provide more than please also send me an email. In the future everyone can change the data on their own because we now have a nice database system for that.

Everyone can (but doesn't have to) provide this information:
- name
- role
- email
- country
- city
- description text
- blog url
- blog rss url
- twitter id
- identi.ca id
- opendesktop id
- facebook id
- diaspora id
- github id

We can also show photos in this three dimensions:  50x50, 100x00 and 200x200

Everyone who helps to develop, test, package, design or promote ownCloud or help in any other way, deserves some credits on our website. So feel free to email me if you want. :-)

Thanks a lot.


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