[Owncloud] Problem with changing data directory

Torsten Seyffarth t.seyffarth at gmx.de
Sat Aug 31 15:50:52 UTC 2013

Hello all,

I am using OC for a while (currently 5.0.9) and it is running good.

Now I wanted to change the data directory. So I copied everything with 
preventing permissions, owners, ect. in the new folder and changed the 
entry in config.php.
If I now login over the web interface I can see the files that are 
directly owned by me. But the shared files are problematic. I can still 
see the shared folders directly under "Shared" (let's assume this is 
"testfolder") , but when I click on "testfolder" the home folder is 
shown again. When I login as the user that shares "testfolder" with me, 
it shows that he do not share the folder. If he shares it again, then I 
still have "testfolder" under "Shared" that is not working and in 
addition I have something like this "testfolder (3)" that is working.

I changed config.php back to the old data directory, but I still have 
the problem. I also loaded an backup of the database from before and 
this also didn't help?!? The only solution that I found was to delete 
all entries in the "oc_share" table and toconfigure all shares again. 
Apparently "item_source", "item_target" and "file_source" are different 
after that.

Did I forgot something when changing the data directory? Or can someone 
verify that this is a bug?


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