[Owncloud] Composer for PHP dependency management / untangling dependencies and license issues

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Sun Aug 18 13:44:17 UTC 2013


As an experiment I updated the user_oauth app 
(https://github.com/owncloud/apps/tree/master/user_oauth) to use 
Composer (http://getcomposer.org) to do the dependency management. It 
depends on the php-oauth-lib-rs library to validate tokens.

It uses the central "packagist.org" repository to resolve dependencies, 
although directly specifying Git repositories is also possible.

Running composer will install the dependencies in the "3rdparty" 
directory of the user_oauth module. The file for the module looks like this:

     "autoload": {
         "classmap": [
     "config": {
         "vendor-dir": "3rdparty"
     "require": {
         "fkooman/php-oauth-lib-rs": "0.1.*"

It has some major advantages for dependency management, like for example 
the ability to show all used licenses by the dependencies, as an example 
my demo OAuth client application:

Name: fkooman/demo-oauth-app
Version: 1.0.0
Licenses: none

   fkooman/guzzle-bearer-auth-plugin   0.2.1                MIT
   fkooman/php-oauth-client            dev-master 7f028ce   LGPL-3.0+
   guzzle/guzzle                       v3.7.2               MIT
   monolog/monolog                     1.5.0                MIT
   psr/log                             1.0.0                MIT
   symfony/event-dispatcher            v2.3.3               MIT

This makes it very easy to do license auditing. In addition it will take 
care of PSR-0, or classmap, as in the user_oauth case, autoloading of 
classes. There will no longer be a need to include the 3rdparty 
repository in Git as it will point at the "official" repositories. 
Making a release would just mean running "composer install" on the 
source tree and create a tarball with all the 3rdparty libraries included.

It would be a fun project to try to see if it is possible to create a 
composer file for ownCloud by checking the current dependencies and 
looking as to whether there is a "composerized" version of that library.


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