[Owncloud] Fwd: SyncClient - "Nice to haves"

Martin Mazur martin at barbara-und-martin.de
Wed Sep 5 10:51:16 UTC 2012

Hello Patric,

I think knowing when the last sync was is nice to have but "better"  
would be to have an instant sync. When a file is changed on the  
client, it is synced to the server and vice versa. From the client  
behaviour I have observed until now, I think the client syncs every  
few minutes, but not instantly....see  

Best regards


Martin Mazur
martin at barbara-und-martin.de

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von Patric Zimmermann  
<Patric.Zimmermann at physik.tu-berlin.de> -----
   Datum: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 11:00:17 +0200
     Von: Patric Zimmermann <Patric.Zimmermann at physik.tu-berlin.de>
Betreff: [Owncloud] SyncClient - "Nice to haves"
      An: owncloud at kde.org

Hey Folks!

I'm using OC in a research environment for transferring, storing and  
exchanging measurement data between the lab an several client machines.

Since there are quite often new data added or changed, the client sync  
is really convenient, since it keeps everything updated quite  

What I miss sometimes (actually almost every time I created new data)  
is the info WHEN the last sync took place.
In the client there is this nice info button which states "Last sync  
was successful", well or if otherwise it says otherwise, but it would  
be really nice
if it could simply state the time and date when the last sync was  
successful (or failed).
Meanwhile the only way seems to be to check if the new folder is  
there, or otherwise check the timestamp of the file/folder in question.

Also, it would be nice, if one could initiate a sync, something like  
"sync now" or even better "sync now to server" and a "sync from  
server" button would be great.

just my 2 cent.

Keep up that good work, it is well appreciated!

best regards,

Patric Zimmermann

Analytical X-Ray Physics

Berlin Institute of Technology
Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics
Sekr. EW 3-1
Hardenbergstr. 36
D - 10623 Berlin
Mail: Patric.Zimmermann at physik.tu-berlin.de

----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----

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