[Owncloud] Getting owncloud-client in Debian

Jean-Louis Dupond jean-louis at dupond.be
Mon Oct 29 12:23:07 UTC 2012

Hi everyone!

Wouldn't it be a good idea to get the ownCloud Client packages in 
Debian repositories?
Now the packages are build on a 3rd party repository (suse).

Is there any reason the package wasn't brought into Debian?

If its ok for everyone, I will try to get the packages 
(owncloud-client, ocsync and libiniparser) into Debian Unstable.
When the packages are accepted, this will be synced with Ubuntu also.

I think its a good idea to have the packages in debian/ubuntu by 
Its much more user friendly then asking the client to add a custom 

Any opinions?

Jean-Louis Dupond

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