[Owncloud] Splitting the mailing list?

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Mon Oct 29 10:37:47 UTC 2012

On 29.10.2012 07:23, Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejer wrote:

> First: To the people developing Owncloud: Thank you for your effort!
Thanks, great to hear.

> Second: I have been following the OwnCloud mailing list for a while,
> and I have to admit that it is a very mixed content.
It is.

> I joined the list to ask a technical question a while back, and I have
> followed some of the user discussions with interest. The debugging
> discussions leave me with little more than a vague feeling of hacker
> envy...
> I have been considering leaving the list because it is fairly
> high-volume - but it still has a significant content I am interested.
> I was wondering if you would consider the approach of the Abiword
> project - they have an abiword-users and an abiword-dev list?
We were discussing that a few times now, it's  a fair request. But we 
decided against that for now. I hope you can support that decision.

With the switch to the github bug tracking system, we see a good share 
of the technical discussions moving to the github discussion forums. 
That will on the one hand take away some traffic and on the other hand 
keep stuff more on the point. That given, we think it makes sense that 
devs, other contributors and users stay as connected as possible.

But, let me explicitely say that, we still want to discuss tech details 
on the list as much as needed.



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