[Owncloud] Mounting local external storage outside document root

Christoph Jaehnigen nuabaranda at web.de
Sun Nov 11 08:48:02 UTC 2012

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Mark - Syminet <mark at syminet.com> wrote:
> I believe that this should rely upon the underlying filesystem.
> One of the greatest things about owncloud is that your data is free.
> For example you can rsync between servers and it will show up
> in your private repository.  It is really important that owncloud be
> open this way.  csync mostly works, so *no* fundamental changes
> should proceed.

That does not help me at all. I'm describing a problem with the "mount
external storage" feature of Owncloud, especially mounting local
filesystem paths and you're talking about sync.


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