[Owncloud] Unable to sync following a system crash...

Bradley D. Thornton Bradley at NorthTech.US
Fri Nov 9 19:28:10 UTC 2012

Hash: RIPEMD160

Following an abrupt system crash (battery died) on a laptop, I was
unable to get my client to sync my directories with my ownCloud server.

I got the error: "CSync failed to create a lock file".

When binging that (Googling it, actually ;) ), most of the solutions
were to "rm ~/.csync/lock", but I don't have a .csync directory.

I tried removing and re-installing the packages:

# removepkg mirall
# removepkg ocsync
# rm -frv /etc/owncloud
# rm -frv /etc/ocsync
# cd /usr/local/packages
# upgradepkg --install-new --verbose ocsync-0.60.1-x86_64-1alien.tgz
# upgradepkg --install-new --verbose mirall-1.1.1-x86_64-1alien.tgz

This didn't correct the situation either. A "locate lock |grep csync"
doesn't produce any output, indicating that there just is no lockfile.

I did a:

$ mkdir ~/.csync

And that didn't help, all the while through this process I
start/stop/start the syncing app.

Here's what's interesting. I've got two ownCloud servers I'm testing
right now. one is nosql and other is MySQL based.

I can disconnect one and connect to the other no problem, and when I try
to create a new sync directory, if the mount point on the server doesn't
exist and I click to create that directory from the sync client, it
indeed creates it no problem and the sync begins between the newly
created directory on the server and the local directory that I
designate.... for a second or so, then the icon on my task bar turns red
and I have the same error about not being able to sync!

This was all working flawlessly for several days until the power cord
got yanked and the system died. Now, I can't sync at all.

Any suggestions on where I should be looking next?

Thanks :)

- -- 
Bradley D. Thornton
Manager Network Services
NorthTech Computer
TEL: +1.310.388.9469  (US)
TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)
TEL: +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)

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