[Owncloud] ownCoud and web hotel
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
karlarneg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 16:09:51 UTC 2012
2012/11/5 Daniel Molkentin <danimo at owncloud.com>:
> Hi Karl,
> On 05.11.2012, at 12:01, Karl-Arne Gjersøyen wrote:
> Hello again.
> I installed ownCloud on my web hotel as a subdomain.
> (http://nettsky.karl-arne.name)
> The web interface for login is working well. But when installed a
> client on Windows 7, it can't synchronize with the cloud on my hotel.
> It is because the ownCloud application use specific ports to
> communicate or is it something els?
> So you're saying your on a hotel WiFi? As long as you can use your
> web browser, you should be able to use the ownCloud client, since it
> does only use HTTP or HTTP (Ports 80/443). However,
> some hotspots employ transparent proxies that cannot deal with
> WEBDAV, a HTTP extension required for ownCloud. Fixing this is
> quite simple: Use HTTPS. proxies will not (and cannot) interfere with
> HTTPS content. Even if you are using a self-signed certificate, and
> accept the connection from a trusted location, this is a lot better
> than not using any encryption at all, especially in public wifi hotspots,
> _everyone_ in the area can read your traffic, steal your session ID, etc.
> Otherwise: follow the instructions at
> https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/blob/master/doc/troubleshooting.rst
> for furthe debugging.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> www.owncloud.com - Your Data, Your Cloud, Your Way!
> ownCloud GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, Holger Dyroff
> Schloßäckerstrasse 26a, 90443 Nürnberg, HRB 28050 (AG Nürnberg)
http://nettsky.karl-arne.name/owncloud/remote.php/webdav give me this error:
Cloud not found
I have done the same installation on my private network environment
and locally it works perfect. But when after installation on
nettsky.karl-arne.name I got this Cloud not found error.
Hmmm.. What have I missed this time??
Hjemmeside: http://www.karl-arne.name/
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