[Owncloud] Integration with Plasma Active

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Sat Mar 10 21:04:02 UTC 2012

On 10.03.2012 22:00, Robin Appelman wrote:
> On Saturday 10 March 2012 14:47:14 Klaas Freitag wrote:
>> On 09.03.2012 19:18, Jakob Sack wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> it is great to see an ownCloud integration in Plasma Active.
>>> Concerning your question: instead of just including "lib/base.php" use
>>> the following snippet:
>>> require_once('lib/base.php');
>>> OC_Util::SetupFS( "", "kconfig" );
>>> This basically mounts the folder "$ownclouddata/$username/kconfig"
>>> instead of "$ownclouddata/$username/files". There you can mess around
>>> with files that are invisible to the user.
>> This helps me a lot with the syncing clients as there have to be
>> temporarily uploaded files for time syncronisation for example which
>> should not be visible to the user. I'll experiment a bit :)
> If you need to access files outside the users home folder while still keeping
> the "regular" filesystem, you can use filesystem views (not available in 3.0
> only in git atm) with the following code:
> $view=new OC_FileSystemView("$username/kconfig");
> and then use it like this:
> $view->file_put_contents('foo'.txt,'bar');
> filesystem views and the static oc_filesystem provide the same api
I see, thanks.

However I need access through webDAV. I was experimenting with the 
TemporaryFileFilter provided with Sabre DAV Server. Wouldn't that be 
useful anyway? It would perfectly fit my needs.

I keep you posted once I have it running.


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