[Owncloud] Setting up owncloud with PostgreSQL

Saint Germain saintger at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 23:00:06 UTC 2012

On Sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:02:00 +0200, eMerzh <merzhin at gmail.com> wrote :

> I'm not in front of my computer right now...so i'll have to look
> deeper but as safe check :
> 1) do you have change the listen address of PG?
> 2) when you try with psql do you correctly add the -h option?
> 3) is your DB host correct ?
> Normally the current oc installation ask for a DB and a user but it
> create another DB and user with a random password ..

Hello !

1) I have used the default installation of PostgreSQL and haven't
changed anything. So it's listening on port 5432.

2) Using:
psql -U owncloud -d owncloud -h localhost
I can connect without problem

3) DB host is "localhost"

I have given the user owncloud all superuser privileges (including
create users and create databases).

Thanks for your help !

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