[Owncloud] ownCloud API

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Fri Jun 29 17:00:29 UTC 2012

On 29.06.2012 15:58, Robin Appelman wrote:
> I dont think extending ocs will be a good idea
I think it does as long as we can keep the APIs kind of consistent. We 
have to avoid that OCS is missused as a container for all kind of 
specialised apis IMO.

Using more OCS in oC gives us a lot of other interesting options, just 
think of "Share this file with my frieds", even though our oC API would 
not have to be part of OCS for this.

> for non-kde attica only brings an aditional dependecy and is unlikely to be addopted by i.e. gnome, while wide adaption should be one of the main concerns with the api. it would be a real shame if akregator would be the only rss reader to support oc syncing and we dont want to end up being only a cloud sollution for the kde desktop.
As OCS is an opendesktop standard, this argument does not count. From 
technical standpoint its no prob at all and from the 'politcal' it also 
should not.

> where no existing standards exists (rss, versiong) we should try to work together with the developers of as many different potentials clients as possible instead of trying to extend ocs.

OCS is the try to create a widely supported standard where non has been 
before which means "work togehter with many developers..."



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