[Owncloud] Sync-Client and Apps Issue

Duarte Velez Grilo duartegrilo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 22:58:55 UTC 2012

Em 18-06-2012 23:28, Diederik de Haas escreveu:
> On Monday 18 June 2012 23:55:09 Thomas Müller wrote:
>> But tracker as well - just add a new enhancement, describe it and attache
>> the patch.
> Can someone explain HOW to attach a file to the bug tracker?
> When submitting a bug/enhancement/etc you'll see a 'button' to attach a file, but
> when you click on it, it doesn't allow it and tells you to submit the bug first.
> After that, I don't see a button or sth else to attach a file.
Yep, just posted the enhancement and there isn't a way to attach the file.

> Diederik
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