[Owncloud] Sync-Client and Apps Issue

Sascha Manns Sascha.Manns at open-slx.de
Tue Jun 12 11:35:36 UTC 2012

Hello mates,

i would like to ask some Questions:

* Is there a difference between the owncloud and the mirall package?
* If i'm starting the sync-client (happens with both clients), then comes: 
"CSync can't add a lockfile". (Log on: http://paste.opensuse.org/28916366). 
Where it plans to add this file?
* In some cases (as example Shorty) i'm getting in the Enable Dialog: "Error 
while enabling app". Maybe i must set special rights for a folder? The "apps" 
folder i've already set to changeable for the group. (root:www) Apache runs 
with wwwrun:www.

I'm using openSUSE 12.1 with Owncloud 4.0.2 from isv:ownCloud:community.

Have a nice day
Sincerly yours
Sascha Manns
Community Agent open-slx GmbH
Web (business): http://www.open-slx.com
Web (private): http://saigkill.homelinux.net

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