[Owncloud] Multi apps dir....

eMerzh merzhin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 21:48:38 UTC 2012

i'm currently trying to develop a solution for having mutlitple
applications directory ( /apps/ ).
Some reason i goes there :
- we currently have 2 apps directory as we have 2 repositiory with
apps and what if i want an external app?
- let people manage apps dir as they want (1 dir for my private apps,
another for ownclouds)
- we have "movable" apps so the work is waaay simpler...
- last but not least i think it will help packager to put things where
they should : owncloud internal apps in /usr/share/owncloud/.. and
installed ones
in another place (maybe /var/lib as the rest?)

Do you find this interesting?

The current code is on my branch here :


It should more or less work if you add this in your config file:
(where appsroot correspond to your install)

"appsroot" => '/var/www/owncloud/apps:/var/www/otherapps',
"appsurl" => '/apps:/otherapps',

( the ":" separate the multiple paths ... )

i'm still looking for a better way to look at appsroot and appsurl ...
but the idea is there

don't hesitate to give feedback :D


eMerzh aka Brice

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