[Owncloud] Installation at UDmedia fails with .htaccess

saschaview at gmail.com saschaview at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 12:58:09 UTC 2012

On 30.05.12 23:53, Victor Dubiniuk wrote:

> Hi,
> it is probably due to the restriction of changing PHP settings in the
> .htaccess file (*in bold*).
> <IfModule mod_php5.c>
> *php_value upload_max_filesize 512M*
> *php_value post_max_size 512M*
> *php_value memory_limit 512M*
> <IfModule env_module>
>    SetEnv htaccessWorking true
> </IfModule>
> </IfModule>
> Another candidate is the line
> *Options -Indexes*
> ----
> Victor Dubiniuk
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Frank Karlitschek <frank at owncloud.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> a 500 error is sometimes triggered if you want to set a settings in the
>> .htaccess that you are not allowed to override. So this can be caused by
>> strict apache settings. More information should be in the apache error log.
>> I donĀ“t suggest to remove the .htaccess completely. You should at least
>> make sure that your data directory is not accessible from the browser. This
>> would be a huge security problem.
>> Frank
>> On 30.05.2012, at 16:19, saschaview at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I am running ownCloud 2012.0.3 Enterprise hosted by the German company
>> UDmedia (apache). The installation is only possible if I completely remove
>> the .htaccess file in the owncloud root directory after setup, else I
>> constantly get an 500 error. How does the .htaccess removal harm the
>> overall installation? Is there a better workaround? Which other aspects
>> should I take care of?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards
>>> *S*


Thanks for the hints. Below some information on how I resolved some issues.

The data subdirectory is not accessible, neither from the browser (error 
403, which is an option to set at UDmedia hosted web sites), nor via ftp 
(apache, apache, 770).

Because I do not have ssh access to the server, the installation was a 
bit tricky. I had to set the root as well as data (with data 
recursively) to 777. The owner of data was apparently changed to apache 
on first write access of ownCloud. Then I changed access to root back to 

I had to remove the line

Options -Indexes

in the .htaccess file, and I had to include

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value upload_max_filesize 512M
php_value post_max_size 512M
*<IfModule env_module>*
SetEnv htaccessWorking true

(changes bold) as this is not the default.

Now it works just fine. Anyway, there is a slight (known) issue with OS 
X AddressBook prior to 10.7.3, as well as with Reminders! Calenders and 
Reminders on 10.6 are already known to work with iCloud, yet Addressbook 
did not work at all! Anyway, with OwnCloud, AddressBook, iCal (with 
reminders) generally work, but reminders are duplicated on change, and 
Addressbook seems to duplicate an edited entry with base information only.

Hope that helps other users.


Sascha Vieweg, saschaview at gmail.com

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