[Owncloud] App settings

Thomas Tanghus thomas at tanghus.net
Tue Jul 31 14:11:57 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 31 July 2012 14:22 Thomas Tanghus wrote:
> I have changed the method to take an object as argument to be able to extend
> it later, so the call should look like:
>    OC.appSettings({appid:'appid'});

And it quickly came to good use because I referenced the elements in the 
settings by id, thus the events weren't attached on load.

So now the options are:

- appid: String. The ID of the app e.g. 'calendar', 'contacts' or 'files'.
- loadJS: boolean or String. If true 'js/settings.js' is loaded. If it's a 
string it will attempt to load a script by that name in the 'js' directory.
- cache: boolean. If true the javascript file won't be forced refreshed. 
Defaults to true.
- scriptName String. The name of the PHP file to load. Defaults to 
'settings.php' in the root of the app directory hierarchy.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus

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