[Owncloud] Syncing and Time Synchronization

Evert Pot evert at rooftopsolutions.nl
Thu Jul 19 20:19:22 UTC 2012

> Now look at the method I describe above using tokens (not RFC6578).
> So, instead of using checksums we use server generated tokens. Now
> there is no checksum overhead. So why is a checksum needed? Is it
> because WebDAV does not have a way to manage these types of tokens?

I think you're not actually involved in the development of this feature, and neither am I.
I don't want to spam the list, so I'm e-mailing you directly.

The server doesn't need to know checksums, I agree obviously..that's what I've been saying for some time now ;)

But, how would you propose the client detects that a file locally changed in your scenario?


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