[Owncloud] Releases and stuff

Thomas Tanghus thomas at tanghus.net
Wed Jul 18 00:00:27 UTC 2012

Since a release is supposed to be somewhere in the not so distant future, I 
would like to bring up the subject of how this is to be handled. It is no big 
secret that the 4.0 release gave us some bad cred, maybe not so much on the 
corporate side (which I'm blissfully ignorant of), but definitely amongst 
other FLOSS developers.

It's quite possible that I have missed some messages or posts, even though I 
try to follow what's going on, but soon we're a month into the next 3ish month 
release schedule, and we should really have an overview of what's supposed to 
be in that release - and not as the odd blog post, but as a plan you can refer 
to and revise when needed.

It's not that I don't enjoy the opportunities and freedom to learn you guys 
have given me to pick up when the Contacts app needed a maintainer. It came at 
a time much needed for me personally to get up from a deep abyss and try to do 
something constructive again, but now I have also come to the point where I 
feel deep pride in the whole ownCloud project, and would be sad if we should 
get another cycle of picking up the pieces of great things that just needed 
the final touches before they were released.

I have told some of you how my situation is: I burned out seriously a decade 
ago with consequences I don't want to describe here, so I'm in no position to 
take more responsibilities than i have already given myself.

So, I don't want to mention the usual stuff about us missing HCI specialists, 
designers, translators or writers; IMHO we're actually doing pretty good there 
and I hear very few complaints in those areas yet (wink, wink JanC ;) ), what 
I really think we need now is:

- A dedicated sysadm.

- A release dude.

If we could fill out those positions the poor sods in them would very quickly 
give us an overview of what other responsibilities needs to be delegated.

Oh, and another time, please remind me not to write long mails when I have 
decided Tuesday is weekend ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus

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