[Owncloud] Theming and Formfactors

Frank Karlitschek frank at owncloud.org
Wed Feb 1 14:18:31 UTC 2012


it seams that a lot of users want to modify the look and feel of ownCloud like replacing the logo, changing colors or make other custom interface changes. This is important if you integrate onwCloud into an existing system like a groupware or some other webservice. At the moment the users have to fork ownCloud and change the stuff manually. This changes have to be done again after every ownCloud update.

The idea is to support theming in ownCloud to make this kind of changes easiert.
It´s very important to make the life of the ownCloud App developer as easy as possible and not force them to maintain a lot of different theme files. App developers should concentrate of implementing the functionality and all the theming should be optional and done by someone else.

Different formfactors:
Another important topic is that we have to support different formfactors beside the current interface which is mainly done for desktop users. ownCloud should provide an interface for desktops, mobil phones, tablets and a standalone view where an ownCloud App is displayed without the header and the side navigation. This is cool if you want to us just one part of ownCloud as a desktop app replacement. Mozilla Prism is a nice tool for this and I think the GNOME browser and Chrome also supports that. It´s handy for apps like media player, calendar, contacts and others to have them as stand alone apps on your desktop.

I propose the following changes to make this two features possible:

All parts of the core and every app has a template, a js and a css folder. We could extend the templating and the js/css loader that it first looks for a foo-mobile.php template if the app wants to load the foo.php template and the current formfactor is "mobile". If it finds the file it loads it. If not if falls back to the default foo.php. The same logic for the js and css files.
By doing this we don´t have to implement the complete interface right now for all formfactors. We can do this over time. And if one App developer want´s to provide a special tablet optimized css he just add an additional css with this special name and it´s automatically used.

The formfator is already detected in base.php so we only have to extend the templating to use this information. Later we could add a button to the interface to switch to a different interface.

I propose a similar system for the theming. We add a "theme" config option to the config.php so that the theme can be configured during deployment and controlled from the outside without the need to understand our database structure.
We add "themes" directory into /core where every theme has a directory named after the theme name.
The template and css loader looks into the selected theme directory first for templates and css files and loads them if a file is present. If not it just falls back to the default files in the individual app directories. This has the benefit that the person who creates the themes can override what ever has to be changed but don´t have to provide a complete new frontend.
The directory structure inside the themes folder is the same as the rest of owncloud. This means that a theme developer can just put a different "apps/contacts/css/styles.css" in the theme directory to change the style of the contacts app.

Does this make sense?


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