[Owncloud] special characters in filenames

Emre Erenoglu erenoglu at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 15:05:39 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd at owncloud.com>wrote:

> On 02.08.2012 15:22, Frank Karlitschek wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> we have an interesting question where I would love to get some more
>> opinions.
>> The question is how ownCloud should handle special characters in
>> filenames. ownCloud itself should work always with UTF8 and do proper
>> encoding so that ownCloud can work with all possible characters.
>> The problems are the underlying filesystems.
>> So the ownCloud server can run on Windows/Linux/Mac servers with lot´s of
>> different filesystems and we have clients for Windows/Linux/Mac/iOS/Android
>> with more different filesystems. All this filesystems have limitation for
>> allowed characters and handling of uppercase/lowercase filenames.
> Personally, I think any filesystem that does not handle utf8 filenames
> should die and rot in hell. That beeing said, I would like to see owncloud
> use a storage backend like Apacke Jackrabbit (oh, there is a php
> implementation: http://jackalope.github.com/) or git that stores files by
> their hash. But I also know that people already tried using git as a
> backend with large files which I was told did not perform well (I assume
> because the creation of hashes for large files tages ages, ~15sec for a
> 780MB mkv with md5sum -b. On the other hand, transferring 780MB over the
> wire certainly rakes longer than 15sec) And since we do not have background
> jobs with php we cannot create a cleanup job that creates the hashes from a
> temporary location an then moves the files to the correct location in the
> content repository. It would like to see a content repository, anyway.

For MD5SUM, a stupid question if I may ask,  could the md5sum or any other
checksum/hash be generated "on the fly" while the file is uploaded from
sync client, web interface or webdav? This way, we don't need to spend
additional IO cycles to upload and then hash. :)

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