[Owncloud] Bug with zeros in filenames + Hack to solve it

Maximilian Ernestus maximilian at ernestus.de
Thu Nov 3 15:17:04 UTC 2011

Hi guys,

there are some bugs when a file starts with a zero "0" and contains no 
other letters (numbers only). I don't know why. But a guy from the irc 
gave me some hints so I found this hack to solve it:
if(substr($filename, 0, 1) === "0") $file['name']="/".$filename;

just after


around line 50 in lib/files.php.

That puts a slash in front of the "badly" named files. It is ugly but it 
Please keep me updated when you fix the bug in a nicer way.



P.S.: Thanks for the great software.

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