[Owncloud] News : etherpad account, website repository

Damien Tardy-Panis damientardypanis at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 23:34:10 UTC 2011


Here are some news :
- we now got a repository to develop the website in 
- I also requested a subdomain at http://owncloud.notes.kde.org. This contains 
an etherpad instance. This will be mainly used  to get stuff written and shared 
within the team (brainstorming, official text for releases,...)

If you want to get an account on these, please ask me.
Right now, I'm the administrator of these but I can share this task of course 

For anybody who wants to help about the website and people that have interest 
in it (hope everybody ;-) :
- please have a look at http://owncloud.notes.kde.org/1. It is a brainstorming 
I just quickly started about the website. Feel free to add your own ideas in 
it. It is better if you first get an account on the etherpad so that you can 
keep track of your changes (but this is not necessary as this pad is public)
- if you want to develop on the website, those who don't have a kde developer 
account will need to request one. Ask me if you need some information for 

If you also have any other question, please ask me too.


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