[Owncloud] Re: GSoC

Martin Salzer mail at martin-salzer.de
Wed Feb 9 20:16:30 UTC 2011


I have a suggestion for a project: an iCal-Viewer

Right now the owncloud web interface displays ical-Files as text.
Imho it would be nice to be able to get a quick overview over upcoming 
dates/todos from the web interface.

I don't think owncloud needs a full-featured dates/todo-manager, such 
things already exist "out in the wild".
However simple editing abilites like adding a todo would be nice.

So it would be more like the Kontact-Summary thing and less like Korganizer.

I already started to hack one, but didn't get really far. I have neither 
a lot of owncloud experience
nor a lot of free time so my thoughts about the proposal are quite limited.

So feedback is very welcome.


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