[Owncloud] Freedom in the Cloud - Eben Moglen

Cody Rose cody at killsudo.info
Sun May 9 22:01:51 UTC 2010

Thanks for the video link, 

It is a weird time to watch so much change from a users perspective of the 
internet while working with it on the server side. Once I started working on 
the server side, I immediately stopped using services such as facebook, gmail, 
flickr etc. If I don't have control over it I don't become dependent on it. Any 
morning I could wake up and Google may have decide that they were loosing to 
much money on Gmail and shut it down and I seriously doubt they would have to 
give us a 2nd chance to download emails. While it may not happen I don't 
believe in giving up my data rights nor my thin veil of privacy for such 
gimmicky services. 


On Saturday 08 May 2010 5:39:48 am Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Hi all,
> Below is a link to  a talk by Eben Moglen. Who doesn't know him MUST see
> it, period. For others - it is about the cloud, it's issues, and what can
> be done about it. It's a bit high-level and hypothetical but makes clear
> where we must go.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOEMv0S8AcA
> Cheers,
> Jos

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