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Shivodit Gill shivodit.gill at
Wed Mar 29 22:40:45 BST 2023

Thanks for the info, I'll look into the GlobalParams code.

As a side note, I'm having trouble figuring out why the icon rendering
isn't working, as I haven't gotten to setting up a debug environment
fully. Do you have any tips?


On 3/27/23 13:25, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dilluns, 20 de març de 2023, a les 21:56:13 (CEST), Shivodit Gill va 
> escriure:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry about the ambiguous wording, what I meant to say was - after
>> obtaining the correct font, how does the font API for desktop Poppler
>> send the font for rendering to the correct backend (Cairo/Splash)?
>> In short, I'm trying to understand the implementation of the current
>> font API on desktop Poppler. This is to get an idea of how the Android
>> font API based on FontMatcher would be designed - how it would get
>> details of fonts that are unembedded in the pdf, and other such things.
>> After looking through the Poppler repo, I think poppler/GfxFont.h and
>> poppler/ are the files which contain the implementation of the
>> desktop font API. If I'm mistaken or if there are more files which
>> provide the desktop font API, please point it out.
> You want to look at GlobalParams.
> Cheers,
>   Albert
>> Thanks,
>> Shivodit
>> On 3/20/23 03:31, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>>> El dissabte, 18 de març de 2023, a les 22:27:38 (CET), Shivodit Gill va
>>> escriure:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks for clearing that up!
>>>> Also, while I was writing my proposal, I started wondering - how do we
>>>> pass the font object to Poppler so it can use it?
>>> Who is we? There's nothing that needs to be passed to poppler, the change
>>> needs to happen in poppler as mentioned in the gsoc description.
>>> Cheers,
>>>   Albert
>>>> AFontMatcher can take a string of text, and return the best matching
>>>> font as a pointer to an AFont object.
>>>> How will this AFont object be used to render the text in Poppler?
>>>> I tried doing some research of my own in the Poppler repository but
>>>> ended up getting confused. I couldn't find any documentation for how to
>>>> render some text with a given font in Poppler. I couldn't find much info
>>>> about the AFont datatype either.
>>>> Using the AFont object, we can find the path of the returned font, which
>>>> can be used to open said font file in O_RDONLY mode. Maybe we can pass
>>>> that to Poppler?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Shivodit
>>>> On 3/16/23 04:35, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>>>>> El dimecres, 15 de març de 2023, a les 22:23:19 (CET), Shivodit Gill va
>>>>> escriure:
>>>>>> On 3/15/23 05:07, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>>>>>>> El dimarts, 14 de març de 2023, a les 22:30:38 (CET), Shivodit va
>>>>> escriure:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Hello, please write a Subject to your emails.
>>>>>> Sorry about that, I forgot to add a subject line and only realized it
>>>>>> after I had sent the mail, since GMail doesn't warn about missing
>>>>>> subject lines. I'll make sure to not repeat this in the future.
>>>>>>>> I am a college student planning to contribute to KDE for GSoC '23, by
>>>>>>>> taking on the task of improving Okular on Android. I have the
>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>> questions:
>>>>>>>> 1.  What will be the use case of implementing the Android
>>>>>>>> AFontMatcher
>>>>>>>>     font API?
>>>>>>>>     Initially I had tested a .pdf file in Okular for Android, and the
>>>>>>>>     text in that file did not load at all. So I assumed that this API
>>>>>>>>     would help to find the correct fonts in such situations, so that
>>>>>>>>     text content could be properly shown.
>>>>>>> Exactly.
>>>>>>>>     However, now I am not sure - I tried some other pdfs with text,
>>>>>>>>     and all of them rendered the text correctly. The issue with font
>>>>>>>>     rendering only occurs when viewing the earlier mentioned pdf
>>>>>>>>     file.
>>>>>>>>     If I use the "Print to file" option to create a duplicate of the
>>>>>>>>     problematic pdf, the duplicated pdf loads correctly on Okular for
>>>>>>>>     Android. Weirdly enough, the same problematic pdf renders
>>>>>>>>     correctly
>>>>>>>>     when opened in desktop Okular.
>>>>>>>> 2.  Since the AFontMatcher API will be implemented in the Poppler
>>>>>>>> backend,
>>>>>>>>     I was wondering in which files/directories the programming work
>>>>>>>>     would be done.
>>>>>>>>     Initially I assumed work would be done in the generator/poppler
>>>>>>>>     directory of the Okular repo, but that turned out to be
>>>>>>>>     incorrect.
>>>>>>>>     After some digging, I stumbled upon the freedesktop Poppler repo,
>>>>>>>>     ( and it contains)
>>>>>>>>     the code files for the Qt5 Poppler interface. I'm guessing the
>>>>>>>>     work
>>>>>>>>     will be done here?
>>>>>>> No, the code will not be in the Qt5 Poppler interface, keep digging
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> almost there.
>>>>>> I see, me being close probably means I'm in the correct repo, right? If
>>>>>> yes, then my guess is that the work will be happening in the poppler
>>>>>> directory of the Poppler repo. Reasoning being that it contains some
>>>>>> .cc/.cpp files which deal with some information related to fonts..
>>>>> Yes, that is the proper folder.
>>>>>>>> 3.  This is a bit off-topic, but why is the pdf mentioned above
>>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>>     trouble with text rendering? All other pdfs with text content
>>>>>>>>     render
>>>>>>>>     correctly, but only this specific file has trouble with loading
>>>>>>>>     on
>>>>>>>>     Android Okular but it gets shown correctly everywhere else,
>>>>>>>>     including
>>>>>>>>     other pdf viewers on Android. I can send the pdf if someone
>>>>>>>>     would like to take a look at it.
>>>>>>> Without the PDF I can only guess is because the PDF doesn't embed its
>>>>>>> fonts.
>>>>>> I see, so maybe duplicating the entire pdf using the 'Print to File'
>>>>>> functionality causes the proper fonts/their substitutes to get
>>>>>> embedded?
>>>>>> I've also uploaded the faulty pdf I mentioned to this google drive
>>>>>> link,
>>>>>> please check it out when you get the chance.
>>>>>> Faulty pdf:
>>>>>> us
>>>>>> p=s haring
>>>>> There's nothing faulty about that pdf, having non embedded fonts is
>>>>> perfectly ok, and that's why we need poppler+Android to support that
>>>>> scenario.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>   Albert
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Shivodit
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>   Albert
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Shivodit

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