[okular] [Bug 459209] Using tab character in form increases file size by several MB

Florine W. Dekker bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Sep 16 13:14:45 BST 2022


--- Comment #1 from Florine W. Dekker <florine at fwdekker.com> ---
Correction: Ctrl+Z does *not* undo the bug correctly. See following procedure:

1. Open the PDF that is attached to this issue.
2. Select "Show Forms".
3. Select the input box to the right of "In welk land heeft u kosten gemaakt?".
4. Press the tab key, or paste the tab symbol (`        `).
5. Press Ctrl+Z.
6. Verify that the file does not have unsaved changed (i.e. there is no
asterisk after the filename in the window title).
7. Enter some text (e.g. "Lorem ipsum") in the input box to the right of "In
welk land heeft u kosten gemaakt?".
8. Deselect "Show Forms".
9. Save the PDF file (using Ctrl+S).
10. Check the file size.

The file size grows from 91.270 bytes to 5.190.386 bytes.

As a sanity check, compare what happens when steps 4 and 5 of this procedure
are skipped: The file size grows from 91.270 bytes to a mere 96.006 bytes.

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