Suggestion: Make Okular more compatible to gnome and other env

David Hurka david.hurka at
Tue Mar 8 11:20:32 GMT 2022

> the fonts of its menus are just too small on today's monitors,
> it depends on KDE settings to set (which I failed to get that
> working under gnome) instead of having its own.

I think Okular should not need so implement such settings. The GUI toolkit 
should be able to read such settings from the Gnome environment. I don’t know 
why toolkits struggle so much with understanding configuration on systems 
where they are not the “native” toolkit.

But I could imagine that KConfig automatically adds a page to the 
configuration dialog, with settings which usually belong to the desktop 
environment configuration tools, if it detects that the environment does not 
provide them.

Personally, I have the problem the other way round. WxWidgets applications 
(which use GTK) have tiny font although Plasma provides “GNOME/GTK Application 
Style” settings.

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