Okular virtual sprint

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Mon Oct 5 07:38:07 BST 2020

Hi Albert, hi Philipp,

okay, let's be a bit more specific.  Three people have voiced interest:  Albert,
Philipp, and myself.  I propose to adapt the meeting format to this group.

* Let's not meet for a full week-end, but only for a 2-hour slot.

* I suspect that we are all in the same time zone.  (Selfishly) I propose to
  meet on a week-day evening, rather than on the week-end.

* Topics: I propose to discuss Philipp's color management proposals and patches:


  - Discuss the general approach
  - Jointly review the patches
  - Discuss how color management could find its way into Okular (a wish expressed
    by Philipp)

* I have set up a poll for a suitable evening:


TU Dresden has Jitsi and BigBlueButton servers which I can use to host the meeting.

Philipp, Albert, is that okay?

Best regards,

On 05.10.20 00:04, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El diumenge, 4 d’octubre de 2020, a les 23:51:34 CEST, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
>> El diumenge, 4 d’octubre de 2020, a les 20:32:11 CEST, Philipp Knechtges va escriure:
>>> I would want to join as well.
>> Well, you should have said "I'm interested" before i cancelled the idea in my brain. 
> Let me be more verbose: obviously I'm not the one that decides if there's an Okular virtual sprint or not, anyone is free to organize it.
> I'm just not interested in organizing it myself anymore due to the lack of feedback (1 half-positive answer in almost a month out of around 100 people in the list)
> If you're interested in organizing it, by all means find people, find dates, find an agenda, etc. I may even be convinced to join.
> Cheers,
>   Albert
>> Cheers,
>>   Albert
>>> Do you have any specific topic in mind or shall it be more like bring 
>>> your own stuff and see where this goes?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Philipp
>>> Am 04.10.20 um 19:09 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
>>>> El dissabte, 12 de setembre de 2020, a les 17:19:12 CEST, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
>>>>> Who would have time to participate in an Okular virtual sprint from here to the end of the year?
>>>>> Basically would mean "reserving" a weekend in which we say "I'll be connected most of the day doing Okular stuff" and then we can go over some of the major issues, try to explain some things that may not be clear about the architecture, etc.
>>>> Oh well, i guess no one really interested :/
>>>> Cheers,
>>>>    Albert
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>    Albert

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