Smooth scrolling & animated scrolling issues, bunches of different bug reports

David Hurka david.hurka at
Fri Jun 12 22:05:40 BST 2020

Hi everyone,

Long story short: I want to organise all the bug reports about smooth 
scrolling and animated scrolling, but I see limits in the Bugzilla features 
Duplicate and See Also.

I see these options:
* Add a master bug report in bugzilla, where all the other bug reports can be 
  added as See Also, so no one gets lost when the issues are fixed.
  Pro: Nice Bugzilla integration
  Con: Can not be edited once created, just commented
* Create an Issue in GitLab, which holds links to all bug reports
  Pro: Can be edited and discussed in threads
  Con: Bad Bugzilla integration

If no one objects or suggests something else, I would like to create an Issue 
in GitLab soon.

Cheers, David

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