[okular] [Bug 420492] 20.04.0 significantly slows down mouse scrolling with a "hyperscroll" mouse or a touchpad driver that sends mouse wheel scroll events when configured for greater speed

David Hurka bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Apr 24 21:49:51 BST 2020


--- Comment #3 from David Hurka <david.hurka at mailbox.org> ---
1. I don’t think that the touchpad driver sends mouse wheel scroll events like
a mouse wheel does. The mouse wheel is discrete, while the touchpad has
pixel-wise scrolling (which I really like very much).

2. Yes, I will be able to test that. I can compile Okular, and I also have a
hyperscroll mouse “somewhere”. Otherwise there is nothing about converting my
recently bought (so silly, why didn’t I just take the hyperscroll mouse?) USB
mouse to a hyperscroll mouse. Other-otherwise, you can simply simulate discrete
scroll events with e. g. `while [[ true ]] do sleep 0.002; xdotool click 5;

3. By the way, I don’t like smooth scrolling, is it possible to disable
QScroller globally? That would be so nice!

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