Multiple Pages per Sheet: Bug or just counter-intuitive?

LuKaRo lists at
Sat Sep 21 23:44:08 BST 2019

Hi all,

I've come to use okular's "Multiple pages per sheet" printing option for the first time today, and it didn't work as I expected. For example, when choosing "2x2" (two rows, two colums = 4 pages per sheet) and "Left to Right, Top to Bottom", the output in fact was "Top to Bottom, Right to Left". In figures:

What I expected:

1 2

3 4

What I got:

3 1

4 2

Furthermore, when choosing "2x1" (two rows, one column = 2 pages per sheet) and Portrait mode, I got my output in Landscape orientation. That means:

What I expected:



What I got:

1 2

Is this the intended behavior, and it's just counter-intuitive? Or am I even the only one who thinks this naming of the options is odd? Or is this a bug, and the meaning of the options got scrambled internally?

I'm using okular 1.8.1 on Arch Linux. I checked the options by printing to "cups-pdf", but the behavior was independent from the printer I chose (e.g. same results on my physical printer).

Thanks for any clarification (and keep up the great work, okular is my favourite PDF reader!),


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