Bug concerning PDF "Optional Content" feature...
Édouard Canot
Edouard.Canot at univ-rennes1.fr
Wed May 15 08:40:41 BST 2019
The attached PDF file, "Labels_and_Languages_3_OC.pdf", clearly reveals
a bug in okular: some graphic objects are not erased when switching
between mutually exclusive Optional Contents (implemented via the
RadioButton group).
This PDF demonstrates the "Optional Content" feature... When opening it
with any browser, you can open the layers and choose one language among
three available ones (there are mutually exclusive). Most of PDF
browsers (Adobe Acrobat Reader under Windows, Evince under linux, ...)
behave well. The problem comes when using okular: when switching from
one language to another, the old active PDF object is not erased, and
all texts are overwritten on the display.
This bug appeared for me since Ubuntu-17.10 (therefore for
okular-1.1.3). Previously (under Ubuntu-17.04, okular-1.0.3), it was
correct. The bug is still present in okular-1.6.3 under Ubuntu-19.04.
The PDF has been generated by my own graphic library Muesli. You can
open it with any text editor since it uses only ASCII characters. To my
knowledge, it is standard compliant: 'mupdf' doesn't claim about any
errors, and the "PDF Tools Online" validator
(https://www.pdf-online.com/osa/validate.aspx) returns nothing special
about it:
/Validating file "Labels_and_Languages_3_OC.pdf" for conformance level
// The document does conform to the PDF 1.5 standard.//
// Done./
Édouard Canot
Édouard Canot
tél: +33 (0)2 23 23 53 77
Institut de Physique de Rennes
CNRS, Université de Rennes
Bât. 11A, bureau 129
Campus de Beaulieu, F-35000 Rennes
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