General doubts regarding annotations and its poppler support for GSoC project

Dileep Sankhla sankhla.dileep96 at
Fri Mar 16 18:00:13 UTC 2018

Hello all,

I am writing my proposal for the GSoC project, "Implement FreeText
Annotation" and I have some doubts to clear before proceeding ahead. Kindly
help me:

1. What does Okular use - the core poppler or poppler Qt5 interface library?

2. There is partial FreeText (TypeWriter) annotation support in poppler but
not in poppler-qt5. With this information, should Okular have FreeText
annotation support too?

3. What is the role of source files in i) okular/generator/poppler and also
in ii) okular/core directories? Hence how does Okular use poppler?

4.  How is an annotation implemented in poppler? Does poppler provide any
backend or UI for the annotation?

5. If annotations are implemented in poppler and Okular uses it, so why
does Okular also contain "annotation" named source files in okular/core,
okular/generator/poppler and okular/ui directories?

Please clear my doubts as soon as possible so that I can write my proposal
very soon.

Thanks and Regards
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