Need help in getting started with writing the integration test

Tobias Deiminger haxtibal at
Fri Jun 8 20:12:42 UTC 2018

Am 08.06.2018 18:57 schrieb Dileep Sankhla:
> Hello Tobias,
> I have succeeded in getting the QInputDialog to write a new note:
> QMetaObject::invokeMethod(part.m_pageView, "slotToggleAnnotator",
> Q_ARG( bool, true ));  // displayes the annotation toolbar
> QList<QToolButton *> toolbuttonList =
> part.m_pageView->findChildren<QToolButton *>(); // Get the list of all
> 10 annotation toolbuttons
> QToolButton* typewriterButton =; // Get's
> typewriter toolbutton at 10th posiiton
> typewriterButton->click();  // clicks and selects the typewriter tool
> // Clicks on the viewport and a QInputDialog popups
> QTest::mouseMove(part.m_pageView->viewport(), QPoint(width * 0.5,
> height * 0.2));
> QTest::mouseClick(part.m_pageView->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton,
> Qt::NoModifier, QPoint(width * 0.5, height * 0.2));
> It popups a multiline QInputDialog annotation window and prompts for
> the note. I write any content, press OK and the test ends.
> My question is how to check if the popup window appears in the test as
> it doesn't have any parent widget? So I can't do findChildren on
> part.m_pageView to check for the QInputDialog.

QApplication::activeModalWidget [0], QApplication::topLevelWidgets [1] 
and friends come to my mind to find the QInputDialog window. You can get 
the current QApplication with the qApp macro at any scope.

> And after checking for
> the QInputDialog, how to CANCEL the dialog in the test so that my test
> doesn't pause at user's input prompt? I just need an idea as I'm stuck
> here.

Once you've got a pointer to the dialog widget, I think you can invoke 
QDialog::done [2] to finish text input and continue annotation creation, 
or QWidget::close [3] to just close it.

Had no time to look into the other issues in this thread yet, sorry. 
Will answer later unless someone other does.



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