D13203: Add Typewriter annotation tool in Okular

Tobias Deiminger noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Jun 1 16:52:51 UTC 2018

tobiasdeiminger added inline comments.


> annotwindow.cpp:262
>  {
> -    const QColor newcolor = m_annot->style().color().isValid() ? m_annot->style().color() : Qt::yellow;
> +    const QColor newcolor = m_annot->style().color().isValid() ? QColor(m_annot->style().color().name()) : Qt::yellow;
>      if ( newcolor != m_color )

`QColor(m_annot->style().color().name())` is a bit arcane way of saying "force alpha of the popup window background color to 1.0" 😄 If that's what you've actually intended?

How about removing const of newcolor (not bad, local scope only) and do `newcolor.setAlpha(1.);`?
Or something like

  const QColor newcolor = m_annot->style().color().isValid() ? QColor(m_annot->style().color().red(), m_annot->style().color().green(), m_annot->style().color().blue(), 255) : Qt::yellow;

if you want to keep const. That would be more explicit and obvious.

Btw., sorry for commenting on an older revision. But ui/annotwindow.cpp is not included in the latest revision. Phabricator seems to be a bit too smart for our intended workflow.

  R223 Okular


To: dileepsankhla
Cc: ltoscano, ngraham, tobiasdeiminger, aacid, okular-devel
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