[Okular-devel] Taking a break and an Okular sprint in October

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sun Jul 24 22:40:53 UTC 2016

Hi guys, I have come to the obvious realization, at the moment I do not have 
enough stamina to review and take care of what needs to be done for Okular, i 
have 162 unread emails in the Okular mail folder, an order of magnitude more 
than the rest of my other folders combined.

So I've decided to take a break, I've been the stalling factor for some 
reviews and that is bad. Okular currently has 31 open review requests in 
reviewboard, not all of them are waiting for me, but some are, sorry for that.

Then there's the dont-use-docdata-for-annots-and-forms branch that Fabio 
[almost] finished years ago. This branch is *very* important since it fixes 
the long standing issue with annotations and form content being silently saved 
but only locally and not on the .pdf file itself. Someone with energy needs to 
go over it and see if it's good enough to be merged, my hunch is that it is.

Two more branches that need attention are gsoc2015_linearization and 
gsoc2015_tag_feature, they looked good enough last year when i did the review 
for GSoC but never had time to properly merge them, i do think they needed 
some poppler patches too, i can help merging them if someone reviews the 
features and they work fine https://github.com/sahebpreet/poppler The notes i 
have are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/20799691/

And then there's the obvious elephant in the room, I don't feel confident on 
merging the frameworks branch into master because I do not see myself having 
the stamina to make sure everything works well enough, but it seems there's 
people around that do, again I don't want to be the stopping factor,

So I will be taking a step sideways and hope for someone to step up with all 
the important work that needs doing.

Obviously I won't be going anywhere, but as I said I don't have much energy 
currently, so things on my side will be slow.

To help with this (and see if I can regain some of my motivation) I'd like to 
have an Okular sprint here in Barcelona, tentative dates 8 to 12 of October, 
would anyone be able to attend?


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