[Okular-devel] Script python to Convert Kindle Clippings to okular cml

Roberto Polli roberto.polli at par-tec.it
Thu Feb 12 17:53:01 UTC 2015

I started working on that.


To run the tests you need a copy of High Performance Python: I'll refactor 
with a n other free pdf book.

# python kindleparse.py clippings.txt High_Performance_Python.pdf

Then copy the output file to your okular folder.

As of now:
 - I don't know how to generate the effective xml filename, which is prefixed 
by an interger;
 - I used inline notes instead of highlight: I don't know how to highlight 

If you can shed some light on that I'll appreciate.


Roberto Polli
Solution Architect
Par-Tec S.p.A. - http://www.par-tec.it 
T: +39.06.9826.9651 M: +39.340.652.2736 F: +39.06.9826.9680
P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma)

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