[Okular-devel] Fwd: SoC Ideas => proposal : Okular arranger for printing

Jonathan-David SCHRODER myselfhimself at free.fr
Sun Apr 6 23:05:13 CEST 2008

Hi ok,
well John Layt is subscribed to this mailing list and will see this e-mail.
I've just had a look at :
with the new Qt 4.4 print dialog
thinking a little now...
to be able to rearrange files from different sources before printing (this a
quick summary sentence of what I've detailed below) one should have two
"apps" :
1 - a printing server/ a fake printer (the same way as PDF creator on
windows maybe) to choose from in the printers rollout list. Every time
printing is done towards this server, a popup dialog could ask : "Would like
to start arranging files now ?" Yes-No

If yes, the following would be run

2 - a gui application, that uses the graphical database of jobs sent to the
fake printer, and allows to rearrange all the stuff and print the result new
job directly to a real printer.

what I would like to do here in the end is to have something similar to MS
windows's photo printing wizard :
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Bb924348.PPW_XP(en-us,VS.85).png ,
but much improved with the ability to : make something stand on more than
one page, or to repeat something several times one page, the ability to
change the order of jobs.. remove pages...

The "app 2-" could be run from within dolphi/konqueror on one or more
selected files, as long as those format have a " printable property" (ex :
.odt, .png .svg ...).

So what kind of a name this project could take... KPageArranger ?
As I'm thinking now, someone talked about

looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDELibs I don't think that such a
project should be part of the kdelibs except maybe for the fake printer

should I submit this as summer of code ?
I'm ok to wait until tomorrow night to submit the application.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
Date: Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Okular-devel] SoC Ideas => proposal : Okular arranger for
To: Okular development <okular-devel at kde.org>, Jonathan-David SCHRODER <
myselfhimself at free.fr>

A Diumenge 06 Abril 2008, Jonathan-David SCHRODER va escriure:
> Hi
> my name is Jonathan-david Schröder
> I have taken some time to read the kde summer of code ideas page and I
> would like to apply for a SoC related to Kde printing and Okular.
> I am looking for your advising me on that proposal. If my proposal is
> relevant enough, I am looking for a mentor to talk to.
> Below is just a quick idea of my proposal which actually is a mix of two
> SoC ideas from
> http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/Summer_of_Code/2008/Ideas
> .
> *---------- beginning of short proposal ---------------------*
> I'd be interested to work as a SoC on the piece of software that you and
> your friend have been working on, and for which you submitted
> a proposal on
>KDE-Print. This proposal could be merged with that one :
>.28Multiple.29_image_printing_application. In the latter, a person proposes
> that it be possible to arrange
> graphics
> over pages before printing (one or more graphics fitting on one page, and
> also, graphics fitting/expanded over several pages for example...).
> Here is how I would see things :
> Okular ( http://okular.kde.org/ ), which can display several files types
> including PDF, could be used/extended to be the program that receives/is
> run to receive all the pages sent to some special pseudo-printer. The name
> of this pseudo-printer could be "Okular graphics arranger". Choosing to
> send pages to this pseudo-printer which would actually send the pages to
> Okular, would bedone in the already present printer choice drop-down menu
> of the KDE printing dialog (the one on which we can choose the number of
> pages, collating etc...).
> For that new part of Okular to create, one should be able to choose that
> the final job be sent to the printer as:
> - one big job with the total number of pages,
> - or as a decomposed number of job reflecting the nature of the pages (ie
> in the queue you would see :
> "myOdtDocument.odt [pages 1-3] [OkularArranger-elem1/3]" ;
> "specialPicture.png [OkularArranger-elem2/3]" ;
> "veryBigPictureFittingOn2Pages.png [2 pages] [OkularArranger-elem3/3]" ;
> and so on.
> *-------- end of short proposal -------------------*
> Looking around the text pointed by the two URLs written in the proposal
> above, I cannot make out any correct mentor name or e-mail adress (I have
> one e-mail adress : asranie at fryx.ch but I receive emails back telling me
> that the email id does not exist...).
> Would you accept to tell me what you think of my proposal and what I
> refine it... ?

Personally i think that does not belong into Okular but somewhere inside
kdelibs, hopefully into a reborn kdeprint library.

> Should I take the time to talk about that proposal more in depth a mentor
> as Google recommended it for the remaining days ?

As far as i know GSoC limit is tomorrow, so you should add the proposal as
soon as possible.

> Would you know someone that would accept to mentor me for this ?

Maybe someone that has done printing work lately into KDE like John Layt.


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