[Okular-devel] Some thoughts about the xml storing in the user directory

Lorenz Haas lorenz.haas at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 14:22:27 CEST 2007


> That's one of the planned idea we have: create a sort of "package" containing
> document + additional info, that you could ship to your friends that use
> okular, so they can open the "package" normally as it would be a document,
> but gaining all the additional info you added into it.


> > - I found no possibility to clean recent opened files in the settings.
> The list in File -> Open Recent?

Ah, yes. (Guess that was a stupid question...) Maybe it can be cleaned
up in kcontrol under "privacy" (unfortunately in *my* KDE3 there are
no such checkboxes for KPdf, and in KDE4 Beta 1 I fail to bring up
kcontrol), but I think, that it would be also nice to have an "option"
in the settings-dialog like konqueror (cache) for quickly deleting the

> > - One really large problem is, that you could see over the
> > bookmark-xml files in your home directory, which files you have opened
> > (for a very very long time). How to remove that files?
> I guess you want to read bugs 141743[1] and 130496[2].

Ok, sorry, haven't look at kde.bugs.org. I know, that these files are
not temporary files, and that the problems arose by only saving name
and size. I also see that the modification time is not very useful in
that affair. Even if "it should not be kpdf's responsibility to
*automatically* clean them up", I think it should be the
responsibility to give the user an opportunity to delete these files
with different filters. How should these filters be, I don't know. I
only mean that kpdf/okular had the responsibility for deleting these
files, because kpdf creates these files. But this is really not a
major task, rather a very very smal task, and at least for the pdfs
this will be no longer a problem, when they are "packages".


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