idea to speech from Kalle Dallheimer

anbrand A.Brand at
Mon Jun 30 16:11:50 CEST 2003

 Hello to the fellowship of the KDE,
 I have read that Kalle wants to make a speech about the beginnings of KDE.
 My suggestion: It would be interesting to record the speech for later
 generations of KDE-people. I could do this, but I have only normal
 audiocassettes. So does anybody have a digital recorder like
 sony's discman?
 It would be nice to archive the speech digitally.
 what do you think?
 Best wishes
 Andreas Brand

  Dipl. Soz. Andreas Brand
  Project electronic labourmarkets (PELM)
    / Projekt elektronische Arbeitsmärkte
  Johann W. v. Goethe Universität
    / Johann W. v. Goethe University
  Institut für Polytechnik und Arbeitslehre
    / Institute for polytechnic and laboursciences
  Robert-Mayer Str. 1 / FLAT: Zimmer 105 / Room 105
  Postadresse / for letters:
  D-60054 Frankfurt / Main
  Tel.:  +49-(0)69-798-28923; Fax: ~798-28233
  Email: A.Brand at

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