Eva Brucherseifer
eva at kde.org
Mon Jun 9 23:46:13 CEST 2003
Hash: SHA1
Hi Jirka and Rudi,
in the meanwhile we talked about the open questions, we decided the following
We want to have one tour bus travelling from Germany (Frankfurt) to Nove
Hrady. It will arrive to Nove Hrady Thursday 21st in the evening and will
leave Tuesday, 26th in the morgning. Can you please add an option to the
webregistration for the bus?
There won't be any tutorials on monday, just workshops/hacking. We want to
offer a visit to Budweis on Monday and we can use the bus for that (about 34
seats), but if not enough people want to go, we have to cancel it.
For the social event we don't have a sponsor yet. If we find one, that would
be great, but so far we can only say, that KDE e.V. is not able to pay it,
since we need the money for travel costs.
It is very important that people know in advance how much they have to pay
during check-in. Can you please add prices to the different options? It
doesn't matter if it's not exact, just that people get an idea. Will it be
possible to send a reminder to all participants about 2 weeks before the
event containing the amount they have to pay? My experience is, that
developers are rather chaotic and they might think, that everything is free
as in free beer ;-)
Ok, so far from my side. I hope, I didn't forget anything. Ralf Nolden
(nolden at kde.org) will also be able to help you from now on, unfortunately I
will be quite busy again.
On Friday 06 June 2003 15:53, kosicek at greentech.cz wrote:
> Quoting Eva Brucherseifer <eva at kde.org>:
> > Hi Jirka,
> >
> > any news about the webregistration? It would be great if we could get
> > this going this week. I need the data who's travelling when and which
> > route as soon as possible in order to check for bus from Frankfurt to
> > Nove Hrady.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > eva
> Hi Eva,
> test version of registration form is on www.greentech.cz/kastle/preform.php
> We want to run it on Monday.
> Is it good for you?
> Thanks,
> Jirka
> -----------------------------------------
> Academic and University Center Nove Hrady
> Zamek 136 ; CZ-37333 ; Nove Hrady ; CZ
> website:https://www.greentech.cz
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